I support the passage of Prop 19 on the 2 Nov. 2010 ballot for several reasons.
1) The proposition identifies marijuana as an "adult drug" by setting an age limit of 21 years for marijuana possession. This fits well with the data showing that youth are at the highest risk from cannabis use.
2) Legalization will permit public health education campaigns to be directed at users and potential users. The current illegal status of marijuana leads to a "head in the sand" approach where risks are not addressed publicly.
3) The potency of legal marijuana is more likely to be controlled and limited than that of illegal marijuana.
4) Laws prohibiting marijuana have not stopped its use.
5) Criminalizing marijuana has destroyed many lives by incarcerating users and leading to violence associated with the illegal drug trade.
6) The financial costs of incarcerating cannabis users are too high, especially considering the state's budget crisis.
7) Taxing marijuana could provide vitally-needed funds for state and local budgets.